University of Laval, Canada Master’s Scholarships for International Students 2016/2017

University of Laval, Canada
Master’s Scholarships for International Students 2016/2017

The University of Laval Canada is offering Scholarships for international students from African and European Countries to study for Masters degree

Click here for List of Available Courses.

The Main purpose of this program is to promote academic excellence by offering scholarships to foreign students who are citizens of an African or European country (other than France*).   This scholarship awards $7,000 per year, which is renewable once, subject to compliance with the faculty’s criteria of excellence and upon the research director’s recommendation and faculty approval.

Scholarship Type Awarded:Masters Degree

Eligibility Criteria:

  • At the deadline indicated below, must have submitted a complete application package* at Université Laval in an eligible first master’s program and have been accepted in this program.
  • You are a foreign student who is a citizen of an African or European country other than France.
  • You graduated from a public university accredited by the ministry of higher education in your country of origin. For private institutions, eligibility is determined when the file is reviewed.
  • You are registered full time for the two first semesters in the program of study for which the scholarship was granted (winter 2015 and summer 2015).
Application Deadline:
  •     Admission for winter 2016 : September 15th, 2015
  •     Admission for summer 2016 : January 15th, 2016
  •     Admission for fall 2016 : March 15th, 2016

How to Apply
There is no form to complete for master’s level scholarships. Recipients are selected using information from admission applications received by Université Laval. To be considered, candidates must submit a complete application for admission to the University no later than the deadline of the target semester.

Click here for scholarship details on how to apply.

Process of Applying
  1. Choose your programe of choice, Click here to check course programe availability.
  2. Check for Admission Requirements, Click here for Admission Requirements.
  3. Gather the required documents, Click here to see needed documents.
  4. Then Apply for admission, Click hereto apply for admission?
Note: Changes may be made to Master's Scholarships for International Students without notice during the year. Visit our website regularly to keep up to date.  Also you might to convert the webpage to English since its in French.  Click to Convert to English or use Google translator:

University of Laval, Canada Master’s Scholarships for International Students 2016/2017 University of Laval, Canada  Master’s Scholarships for International Students 2016/2017 Reviewed by Mr X on 5:40 AM Rating: 5

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